The Primary School

Fundamental Years

Fundamental Years

Primary school years are the fundamental years to develop foundational literacy, numeracy as well as social and emotional skills. An education that is holistic, creative and flexible is the avenue to success in the fundamental years of children, preparing them to be academically, socially, emotionally and digitally competent for life.

Our Curriculum

Our team of dedicated Primary staff work hard to provide a curriculum that is fun and relevant to the many different backgrounds of our students. Our curriculum is taught through the Cambridge Primary curriculum and, where possible, uses the cross curricular teaching of topics.

Our Curriculum

Key Stage 1 (Year 1 & 2)

Key Stage 1 is a busy and exciting time in a child’s learning journey as students begin to build a wider knowledge and skills base, and start to explore and develop a range of learning styles.

Key Stage One caters for children from 5 to 7 years old. Teachers plan a broad and balanced curriculum centered predominantly around our locality and children have opportunities to work independently or in groups during carefully differentiated lessons.

Key Stage 1 (Year 1 & 2)

Key Stage 2 (Year 3 - 6)

As children progress to Key Stage Two, they have a developing sense of independence and responsibility. This final phase in the Primary School makes provision for children aged 7 to 11. Teachers use a range of methodologies to ensure the needs of each child are met. In addition to their curriculum work, children in Key Stage Two learn a range of independent study skills that prepare them for Secondary Education and for their future as life-long learners.

Key Stage 2 (Year 3 - 6)

Explore Our Secondary School

Welcome Key Stage 3 & 4 with us. Students are encouraged to be self motivated, inquisitive and independent in their own way while developing skills such as creative thinking and problem solving.

Explore Our Secondary School